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Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you

Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you

In 2021, we began tow ork on new forms of communication with digital interfaces beyond text and voice, and developed decs.ai. Decs.ai allowed us to create human like chatbots using deepfake and natural language processing.

To enable this communication to happen seamlessly, we integrated this technology with holograms, paving a new form of communication to occur with digital humans that could provide assistance, teach, and even recommend and sell services and products.

Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you

Language Is No Longer A Barrier

The HoloBot can speak any language, and understand any language.

It’s true to life speech and facial movements convince anyone that the bot is speaking in their language allowing them to suspend their disbelief and have an open and comforting conversation with the Bot.

Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you

Language Is No Longer A Barrier

The HoloBot can speak any language, and understand any language.

Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you
Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you
Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you


The back-end chatbot of the HoloBot can be endlessly customised allowing for millions of interactions with millions of users every day.

Apart from its unique communication platform, the HoloBot is securely built for it to be placed anywhere and can work tirelessly without taking a break.


The back-end chatbot of the HoloBot can be endlessly customised allowing for millions of interactions with millions of users every day.

Apart from its unique communication platform, the HoloBot is securely built for it to be placed anywhere and can work tirelessly without taking a break.

Holobot - A human like hologram that interacts with you

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